Monday, September 24, 2007

So I am in a coffee mood....

Thus the change to the blog layout. A little change never hurt, right?

Been a bad blogger lately. I know. I was sick for a coupla days with what I believe it a funky crud virus that was going around. Laid me up all day Friday, but I managed to get to the high school's Homecoming game Friday night...Cedar Park won, and the band performed after the game doing their entire show for this year's competitions...all I can say is WOW. It's quite a show! I love to watch the band perform. And Eric has so much fun.

I finished the shower gifts in plenty of time, but forgot to take photos...hoping the mom-to-be will take some for me to share here. Still working on another secret project that cannot be revealed until mid-November!

Joe turns 45 on Wednesday...why does that sound like such a round number to me? I am reminded on how far behind I am on cards...AGAIN. Sheesh. Hoping to fix that in the coming week.

So a little funny about coffee....realized this morning that my machine no longer works (I am now in the market, if anyone has suggestions!). Here's what happened one week ago:

That lovely Monday morning I went to make yummy coffee...Taste of San Antonio from HEB...realized the carafe of the coffee maker was dirty, so filled that with hot soapy water. When I smelled the coffee and didn't hear the maker running anymore, I skipped in for a big ole cuppa, only to find that the carafe was still in the sink, and the water had brewed into the filter container and spilled over onto the countertop. About 2 cups of nice, hot coffee all over the counter. I just stood there and laughed, and when I walked away (to get the camera out of my purse) Joe even said, "oh jeez, get the camera!" We think alike. Yep, it's for a scrapbook page entitled "not a morning person". Well, for that, and he can use a copy for the commitment hearing.

Yeah, nice Monday. So I let the machine rest for a week, hoping it would be okay. It's not. Snot.

We've been watching season 2 of The Office on DVD thanks to Netflix...holy cow that is some funny! Looking forward to Heroes season premiere tonight (we'll be watching it later off the DVR). I've managed to score some nicely bad movies on the DVR lately...including Plan 9 from Outer Space. It's the movie that Jerry, George and Elaine are trying to get to see on the Seinfeld episode in which they wait forever for the table in the chinese restaurant. Quoted by Jerry, "The worst movie ever made." I will let you know what I think....but my guess is that Bela Lugosi in a space movie will definitely place it in the running.

Here's a funny little article for you, from of the lousy, alternative ending of the Pina Colada Song:

A Bosnian couple are getting divorced after discovering they have been seducing each other online under fake identities.

Sana, 27, and Adnan Klaric, 32, began chatting on the internet - under the pseudonyms Sweetie and Prince of Joy - both pouring out their marriage troubles and declaring themselves soulmates.

But when they finally met up they had a nasty surprise.

They have now both filed for divorce - accusing each other of being unfaithful.

Sana said: "When I saw my husband there and it dawned on me what had happened I was shattered. I felt so betrayed."

Adnan said: " I still find it hard to believe the person who wrote such wonderful things, is actually the same woman I married and who has not said a nice word to me for years."

Later, gators!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Stick a fork in me...

I am DONE!

And I think I need a life.

The photo project is complete. All that remains is to order hard copies as I need them.

{insert Happy Dance!}

Final number, for those keeping track: total images from those scanned off negatives and those digitals already on CDs.......

drumroll, please.....


Guess that is why my left hand and wrist are sore. (For some reason I 'mouse' with my left hand on the laptop.)

These images are all on new CDs, under new categories, and contact sheets of each CD are printed & neatly tucked into page protectors in a 3 ring binder. Binders make me happy. Yeah, easy to please! You should have seen me giggle when I first used my P-Touch labelmaker. Simply giddy like a schoolgirl.

So while I have been attacking this project head-on, and obsessing about it....who made my house this dirty and messy?? Guess it's time to reclaim control over my house now!

Go, SuperKris!

have a great week!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

I'm a poet, and didn't know it....

I have a stie. In my eye.

It hurts, and it's swollen. Everyone feel sorry for me! Just kidding, but it does really hurt and looks icky. Hopefully it'll be better soon.

There's been no blogging because there's really not been any fodder.

I have a few knitting projects on the needles, but as they are 'secrets', I can't show them or talk about them until after they are done and given to the appropriate recipients.

Also, the photo project has reached a new level! Wahoo! The end is in sight!

I have now:

  • scanned the (over 5000!) negatives into digital format on the external hard drive.
  • organized those images into a new system of folder filings.
  • loaded existing digital images from CDs onto the external hard drive.
  • organized THOSE also into the new system.
  • moved images from the hard drive of the laptop to the external hard drive.
  • organized those also into the new system!
  • went through every digital image at this point, and rotated and/or retouched as needed using Film Factory.

  • After all this, I copied the newly filed photos in their folders onto new CDs to keep.

  • created a binder for these CDs, and will create contact sheets for the CDs to keep in the binder (once the black cartridge is replaced in our color printer)

  • And finally, I am uploading all of these images and folders to for both storage and for printing at a future time.


So while the kiddos are in school, I have been busy, but unfortunately it does not produce very tangible results. I'd really rather have tangible results.

Over the weekend I did have fun....Scrapbook Crossing, a local LSS, reopened with a VIP soft opening Friday night. Jackie, Amanda, Jeanne and I went, and I ate my weight in cold shrimp. I do love that stuff. (Jackie took the photo, so she's behind the camera.)

And on Saturday, two ScrapShare sisters (online friends from a message board) were travelling through here on their way to IKEA and home to San Antonio, so Jackie, Amanda, Jeanne, Alli (Austin area SS sisters) met up with Joanie and Diane. Amy was working at Archivers when we met up there.

Have a great day!