Monday, September 10, 2007

Stick a fork in me...

I am DONE!

And I think I need a life.

The photo project is complete. All that remains is to order hard copies as I need them.

{insert Happy Dance!}

Final number, for those keeping track: total images from those scanned off negatives and those digitals already on CDs.......

drumroll, please.....


Guess that is why my left hand and wrist are sore. (For some reason I 'mouse' with my left hand on the laptop.)

These images are all on new CDs, under new categories, and contact sheets of each CD are printed & neatly tucked into page protectors in a 3 ring binder. Binders make me happy. Yeah, easy to please! You should have seen me giggle when I first used my P-Touch labelmaker. Simply giddy like a schoolgirl.

So while I have been attacking this project head-on, and obsessing about it....who made my house this dirty and messy?? Guess it's time to reclaim control over my house now!

Go, SuperKris!

have a great week!

1 comment:

Jennifer Stewart said...

Hi, Kris! I couldn't find your email address so I just came to your blog, lol. I got the plastic containers at The Container Store! :)
