Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy "Van Allen-tine's" Day....

Just love to say that.

We don't do anything for Valentine's Day. Not even cards. I'd rather have the $ from the card for a latte, to be quite honest. And no flowers. If anything, Joe can get me a plant (the flowers just die, and it's not rose season. Well, tulips are my fave, so that is nice if he does that). But still, no biggie. When I was at Target this week I grabbed a bag of Dove chocolates, and told him he got them for me. I'm happy! I tell Joe he can brag to his friends at work that he gets off easy for holidays, even our anniversary.

So we are dog sitting for my sister for a few days, with her new Great Pyrenees. She's adorable, and named Holly. Well, Merry Holly to be exact (she got Holly from a shelter over Christmas break). so I have four dogs, and couldn't be happier. She's just precious. I even got her up on the couch with me tonight...she thinks she's a lap dog.

And later I got the other 3 up on the couch with me. Pardon the Winnie the Pooh jammies and the lovely no-makeup's after 5 and that's what you get here.

Tomorrow my baby turns 11. Yes, ELEVEN. Wow. I'll have lunch with her at school, but her party won't be until next weekend, due to a very busy weekend already at church. The current plan is to take some of her friends to go see Bridge to Terabithia friday night, then cake and ice cream. Grace is my little valentine, one day late. (It's a busy month for birthdays: yesterday was my dad's, today is my mother-in-law's, and my mom's is the 28th!)

So Happy Van Allentine's Day...I hope you know how much you are loved! I surely do. Here's my honey, Joe, in the Alps a few years ago. Love you, babe! We're closing in on TWENTY YEARS, and I can't imagine itwithout you. {{ugh....blogger hates me and won't let me upload the photo. I'll try again later.}}

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